Merit Badge Center, Philippines
Advancement Ranks
Merit Badges (Alphabetical)
Merit Badges (Citizen Required)
Merit Badges (Eagle Required)
Merit Badges (Electives)
Merit Badges (Specialist Ratings)
Merit Badges (Group)
Advancement Worksheets
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Merit Badges

Depending on your vocational career path, some of the merit badges identified as required may not be required. For more information of what is and what is not required of you, check the advancement rank requirements.

There are also merit badges listed on the "13 and Above" handbook that doesn't have specific requirements. These merit badges are listed as part of the "In the Works Merit Badge" page.

First time earning a merit badge? Learn how to earn your merit badge.

Learn how to wear your Merit Badges.

New Senior Scout Passport Program

On May 23, 2019, the Boy Scouts of the Philippines issued National Memorandum No. 37 with the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the new Senior Scout Advancement Scheme and Merit Badge System for My Trail Eagle Scout Passport. To shorten it, I call it the "Passport" program. The new requirements are now online on our Advancement Rank Page. Note: as per item # 6 on the memo, the revised Senior Scout Advancement Scheme takes effect immediately covering those newly registered Senior Scouts who will start their Scout Advancement for the Year 2019. Currently registered Senior Scouts whose Advancement Rank are in progress shall continue using the old Senior Scout Advancement Scheme.

Revised List of Specialist Ratings

A revised list of Specialist Ratings is available based on list released by Yasser F. Sarona for the Boy Scouts of the Philippines. This update is as of January 5, 2016.

Revised Eagle Scout Application Procedure

Download the National Memo No. 51, s 2012. Revised application for Eagle Scout, Merit Badge, and Merit Badge Counselor are in our Forms Section.

New Downloadable Images

Visit the Cliparts & Wallpaper Section of Scout Center Dot net and download custom Eagle Scout Youth Patch and Emergency Service Corp.


Copyright © 2020, Merit Badge Center, Philippines
Since August 4, 1999 - Fourth Edition September 30, 2003
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