Explain the meaning of chemistry. Discuss its branches, and how it is different from the other fields of natural science.
Do the following:
Show that a candle flame uses up oxygen from the air and produces carbon dioxide.
Demonstrate that heating sawdust or wood chips produces a gas that burns.
Sketch the carbon dioxide - oxygen cycle.
Explain how the following gases are produced industrially - oxygen, hydrogen, chlorine, and ammonia.
Differentiate between carbonates, sulfides, chlorides, acids, and gases.
Write the formulas of two compounds that make water hard. Write an equation describing how a home water softener works.
Explain what oxygen does in the animal body. Tell how oxygen, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide are carried in the body. Describe the chemical changes that take place when vegetables cook, meats cook, bread dough rises, bread bakes, and when bread is chewed.
Carry out an experiment to show the different ways of protecting iron or steel from rusting. Give examples using Scouting utensils. Tell why aluminum does not rust, and why iron does.
Do any two of the following:
Visit a plant that makes chemical products, and uses chemical processes. Describe the processes used.
Visit a laboratory or place of business that uses chemicals. Find out how and why the chemicals are stored.
Learn how chemistry is meeting farm problems of soil fertility and crop pests.
Explain the differences in university courses for training chemical technicians, chemists, and chemical engineers. Describe two (2) different kinds of work done by chemical technicians, chemists, chemical engineers.