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Forest Management Bureau
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Merit Badge Worksheet

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  1. Identify and name ten (10) kinds of timber trees or shrubs. Tell the importance and uses of each.

  2. Collect and identify seeds of ten (10) different kinds of trees.

  3. Name three minor forest products, and give the sources and uses of each.

  4. Name two important enemies of the forest. Suggest remedies to combat or prevent damage caused by each of these enemies.

  5. Enumerate some effects of kaingin, and what remedies should be done. Tell something about the law penalizing illegal kaingin.

  6. Tell something about the work of the Bureau of Forest Development and what it is doing for the country.

  7. Understand the meaning of forest conservation and how it may be achieved. Give the importance of conserving forests.

  8. Write a 300-word essay on the importance of forests to wildlife, the people of the community, and to our country.


Copyright © 2020, Merit Badge Center, Philippines
Since August 4, 1999 - Fourth Edition September 30, 2003
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