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Home Repairs

  1. Do any twelve (12) of the following:
    1. Know the location of your main electric switch. Replace a fuse or rest the circuit breaker in the electric entrance switch box.
    2. Repair a sagging or squeaking door or gate.
    3. Repair a break in a cement walk or wall.
    4. Recondition a garden tool.
    5. Repair broken furniture.
    6. Refinish or repair the scratched surface of a piece of furniture. Clean brush afterwards.
    7. Repair or replace broken window shells (at least five), or replace a window pane or jalousie.
    8. Repair a leaking roof.
    9. Repair a leaking faucet.
    10. Repair a leaky hose.
    11. Mend a broken bolo handle.
    12. Repair a pressure gas lamp or stove.
    13. Recane the broken seat of a chair or bed frame.
    14. Clean out a clogged sink trap.
    15. Mend a torn mat.
    16. Repair the flushing mechanism in the water closet.
    17. Repair an electric cord, plug, or electric socket.
    18. Paint a wall or ceiling. Clean brush afterwards.
    19. Repair a flat iron.
    20. Repair a gas stove.
    21. Mend broken china.
    22. Build a workbench.
    23. Repair or put in drapery or curtain rods. Hang draperies or curtains.
    24. Repair a fence.
    25. Replace a door knob.
    26. Solder.

  2. Name and describe some common tools used for doing home repairs.


Copyright © 2020, Merit Badge Center, Philippines
Since August 4, 1999 - Fourth Edition September 30, 2003
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