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Merit Badge Worksheet

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  1. Write stories covering satisfactorily the following assignments, demonstrating that you know the principles of good news writing including the elements of a good lead paragraph:
    1. a news incident
    2. a routine club or society meeting
    3. a lecture, sermon, or political address

  2. Write:
    1. an editorial
    2. a feature or human interest story
    3. review of a play, a motion picture, a concert, or a book

  3. Do the following:
    1. Explain how the articles in Requirement Numbers 1 and 2 differ.
    2. Secure the publication of at least one of these articles in a Scouting, school, or local paper.

  4. Prepare a simple set of headline styles which will serve all needs of a small newspaper, indicating type size and approximate count for each.

  5. Present photographic or cartoon copy or the suggestion for such copy, as an illustration for a news story, and write the caption of it.

  6. Read and correct proof, using the conventional proofreader's marks on manuscript of at least two typewritten pages furnished by your Counselor.

  7. Show that you know what is meant by the following terms: point, font, pica, face, case linotype, hand set, galley proof, half tone, electrotype, screen, stereotype, mat

  8. Do the following:
    1. Explain the steps necessary to copyright a book, magazine, or newspaper; tell what rights are granted by a copy, for what period.
    2. Explain what is meant by freedom of the press and why we have libel laws. Tell what plagiarism is.

  9. Prepare a dummy for the printer of an 8-page newspaper or magazine, including the placing of different size advertisements to cover the equivalent of two pages.

  10. Explain the process of preparing a modern newspaper for publication, demonstrating a satisfactory knowledge of the various departments and executives and their functions. Explain the importance of the deadline.

  11. Have contributed as a reporter, or as editor or member of the editorial or business staff (either voluntary or paid) on a newspaper or a local Council, Troop, school, trade, farm, or club publication for at least four issues.

  12. Present a scrapbook including unpublished copy as well as clippings of published material filed under date and place of publication.


Copyright © 2020, Merit Badge Center, Philippines
Since August 4, 1999 - Fourth Edition September 30, 2003
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