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Uses of Humus
Waste Water Treatment
Merit Badge Worksheet

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Soil and Water Conservation

  1. Define what is soil. Explain how soil is formed. Explain the importance of conserving soil.

  2. Do the following:
    1. Collect and identify various kinds of rocks from which soil is formed
    2. Present samples of three classifications of soil - sand, silt and clay. Explain their relationship with water
    3. Explain and show why soil fertility is important to soil conservation.

  3. Demonstrate and explain any three (3) of the following:
    1. Why organic matter called "humus" is important to soil
    2. How living organisms like earthworms, play an important role in conserving soil
    3. Beneficial effects of compost heap when added to soil
    4. How indiscriminate burning of grass and leaves of trees or plants and "kaingin" cause soil erosion
    5. Name three kinds of soil erosion, describe each and how they can be prevented or controlled
    6. What is a gully (or dongas)? Describe how a gully could be healed.

  4. Make a drawing showing the water cycle and explain. Explain why a disturbance in the water cycle is a threat to man.

  5. Show and explain any three (3) of the following:
    1. The importance of water to man
    2. The disastrous effects of water pollution to man
    3. How water is polluted in rivers or streams. What pollution does to fish and wildlife, swimming, water or homes, farms and factories
    4. The three steps of waste water treatment
    5. What is a watershed? How removal of vegetation will affect the way water runs off a watershed
    6. At least five (5) ways of conserving water


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Since August 4, 1999 - Fourth Edition September 30, 2003
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