
Soil and Water Conservation
- Define what is soil. Explain how soil is formed. Explain the importance of conserving soil.
- Do the following:
- Collect and identify various kinds of rocks from which soil is formed
- Present samples of three classifications of soil - sand, silt and clay. Explain their relationship with water
- Explain and show why soil fertility is important to soil conservation.
- Demonstrate and explain any three (3) of the following:
- Why organic matter called "humus" is important to soil
- How living organisms like earthworms, play an important role in conserving soil
- Beneficial effects of compost heap when added to soil
- How indiscriminate burning of grass and leaves of trees or plants and "kaingin" cause soil erosion
- Name three kinds of soil erosion, describe each and how they can be prevented or controlled
- What is a gully (or dongas)? Describe how a gully could be healed.
- Make a drawing showing the water cycle and explain. Explain why a disturbance in the water cycle is a threat to man.
- Show and explain any three (3) of the following:
- The importance of water to man
- The disastrous effects of water pollution to man
- How water is polluted in rivers or streams. What pollution does to fish and wildlife, swimming, water or homes, farms and factories
- The three steps of waste water treatment
- What is a watershed? How removal of vegetation will affect the way water runs off a watershed
- At least five (5) ways of conserving water